The EDP (Eastern Daily Press) Archant Publications will feature Broadcasting in its reviews this weekend, going to press/published 17 August.
In the meantime, and for those of you who haven't read the back cover, here's what other poets say:
'Broadcasting is less about remembrance than the way we forget... the slow erasure of local customs, sayings and memories. Just as the bricks and mortar of once-loved homes are taken back by the landscape, "asleep with bramble"; what's left are glimpses and fragments – the smell of russet apples, the gritty texture of rabbit picked from the bone, the "sweet twirl" of a folk dance – but these only serve to emphasise the sense of absence in these poignant poems (which) reveal the hidden casualties of a war we thought we knew.'
- Esther Morgan, Bloodaxe poet (Grace, Beyond Calling Distance)
'Andrea Holland's poems treat their historical material with respect - but it is the easy respect of true acquaintance. She re-imagines the scenes of country life in wartime with vivid, present detail that grows from a love of the landscape as well as research, and is animated by a special sensitivity to loss. Far from distancing the place and people, her inventive, even playful language gives them back their life' - Philip Gross (T.S. Eliot award winning poet, inc The Water Table, Deep Field, The Egg of Zero, Mappa Mundi)